Read Part 1 Here
We got to the hospital at about 2am. Contractions were farther apart while we drove, but still miserable. By this time, I knew I was getting an epidural. All of my contractions had been in my back, and there was no way I was going to labor for who knows how many more hours on my own with no pain meds.
We got the paperwork done, I got my fancy bracelets, and then we went into triage where I got to change into a beautiful hospital gown. I laid down on the bed, and the nurses came in to do the triage. The nurse checked where I was at, and I was amazingly at 7cm! I was not expecting to be that far. I got my IV put in, they had to get some blood as well, and then I got wheeled to delivery.
The anesthesiologist came in and I got the "walking epidural". It's where the pain is gone, but I could still move my legs. (BEST. THING. EVER.) It took two pokes, and J about passed out while they were doing it, but once that thing was in, I went from crazy, groaning woman to a relaxed, calm person. It was amazing!
Post Epidural = One happy soon-to-be Momma! |
By the time the epidural was done, they checked me again, and I was at a 9, almost 10cm dilated. They gave me a peanut ball, which is a peanut shaped ball (duh!), to put between my legs and help finish dilating. The nurse (amazing nurse! She was such a help during labor!) told me to call if my water broke or if I felt like pushing. There was nothing left to do now but wait, so J and I dozed off for a while. Then at about 4:30, I was startled awake by a big pop, followed by a gush. Me jumping woke up J. I called the nurse and told her my water broke. She came to check, and sure enough, my water had broken! (A surprise, since my mom and sister never had theirs break on its own.)
At almost 5, we started pushing ever so slowly to get Baby into position so we would be ready for the doctor to get there. Being on the epidural, I really couldn't feel the contractions, so the nurse would tell me when to push, and she helped me with breathing and pushing. Again, I wouldn't have been able to do it without her!
It was a couple hours later that Dr. Holmes finally showed up as baby was beginning to crown. I had gotten to feel her head, which was kind of weird. The doctor used some mineral oil to help the skin stretch. I specifically asked for no episiotomy unless it was an emergency. I kept pushing when the nurses told me to and within half an hour of the doctor being there, baby Elinor came sliding out!
They laid her on me for a second, then took her to clean her up. I cried when I heard her crying.
We hadn't for sure had a name picked out. But when Dr. H asked what her name was, J said Elinor Atalei. I hadn't heard Atalei before, but it sounded very pretty. And it fits her perfectly!
I still can't believe I pushed a baby out of my body, and now I'm caring for her and feeding her! Even though she makes night time very hard, since I'm used to sleeping through the night, I love her so much! She has both her daddy and me wrapped around her little finger.
J is the best daddy! He doesn't mind her crying, and even says he likes it, because he gets to hear her voice. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to raise our daughter!