Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sewage Adventure

So, about a month and a half ago, on a Sunday, our sewer backed up into the showers in our house. (Thankfully no further!) sadly, it was before I got to take a shower. So, I had to get creative. I used the hose in our backyard. But that was just the start. 

The next day, we started trying to figure out where the problem was and ended up calling a plumber in our ward. He sent a camera down our pipes to see what the matter was. 

Roots. From our tree were clogging where our line met the city line. Yikes!! So, we needed to get it fixed. To have the plumber do it all, 3-4000 dollars. We decided to do most of it ourselves. Well, J decided to do it. I was 7 months pregnant and not as helpful. 

So we dug the hole over the course of two weeks and finally found the pipe about 8 feet down, dug around the pipe so there was room to fix it, and cleared the roots from the pipe. The final digging and fixing took one day. And I was so happy! Being pregnant and told no solid waste down the pipes was rough. Thankfully family lives close! 

Another 3 weeks after that, and our pipe is good, the whole is filled in, and we're trying to get our grass to grow back now!!

And here are some pictures!  

The hole's humble beginning. 

We finally found the pipe!!

Oops! Broke the sprinkler main line while digging!! Had to fix before finishing the hole, because it waterfalled into the hole. 

Found this in the hole! Vienna sausages! Yum! 

Proud of his hole!!

The troublesome root! 

Filling it back in! 

Finally finished!! And the hole dirt honestly looks like the Angel Moroni statues to me!! XD 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Less than 10 weeks!

I cannot believe that there is only 9 (soon to be 8) weeks left in this pregnancy!! That means big changes are only 2 months away!!

Baby's info:
Weight: 4 lb (approximately - measured 3.5 at my last u/s)
Size: Head of cabbage - about 17in from head to toe last u/s 
Movements: Her kicks don't hurt yet, but some are rather startling. Especially when I'm laying down in bed. She moves most when I wake up (6am ish), when Jason is home (5pm ish) and before bed (8-9pm)
Cravings: Still no "I have to have that" cravings. But I'm always in the mood for shakes, slushes, and cold things like that. 
-Nausea: Nothing the past few weeks. 
-Heartburn: starting to feel more of this, and I'm not a fan of it so far. Haha haven't noticed specific foods that do it, but it happens more at night. Waking up to it is no fun!!
-Fatigue: Good days and bad days for this, but nothing terrible. I'm really tired up until about lunch time when I'm like "I NEED to get something done!"

No name yet! -_- I know it will happen, but I want to be able to call her something now!! Lol 

Can't wait for Baby Girl to get here!!