My mom was able to come visit March 15 - 21, and we had a blast!
I picked her up on Sunday from the airport. By myself. That's a big thing. I'm so nervous about new scenarios. It's ridiculous. So we came home and had a house tour before I had to go get Jason from work. So, little E got to be left with a "stranger" for 20 minutes. My mom said she didn't cry, but she did keep looking back to see who was holding her.
Monday, little E was still skeptical of Grandma, but a little friendlier, and by the end of the day was pretty warmed up. (She's only pretty much a miniature of me. haha) We went to Costco and hung out at the house.
Still not sure about this Grandma person. |
I guess she's okay? |
Three generations |
Tuesday, we stayed home. We played games, did laundry, and mostly just chilled. I say mostly because we also rearranged the furniture in our living room and organized it so that the couches we bought could be put in their spots. :D
Elie is helping. |
Clean floor! It used to be a storage space! :O |
Wednesday we drove what felt like all over town. it ended with a trip to Krispy Kreme and then a drive by our church building (which still had a small pile of snow).
Dropping J off at work means I get to see pretty sunrises. |
Thursday was Jason's first day off, so we went to lunch with our friend and realtor. I can't thank her enough for how kind she's been to us!
Friday our couches came, and it was really rainy. We did run out after the couches came to IKEA to see if they had any lamps. And they did. 2 floor lamps for 14 dollars, plus tax! It was amazing!
First day of spring, my eye! We got a little bit of snow. |
Yay couches!!! |
Yay couches with lights! |
Saturday, we just kind of relaxed again. Jason did some yard work. My mom packed up. :( And then at 3, we dropped my mom off at the airport so she could fly back home.
Last little bit of time with Grandma. |
It was a lot of fun, and I'm so glad little E got to re-meet her Grandma. (Now Grandma just needs to bring Grandpa out! ;D)