Friday, March 6, 2015

6 months (and a week and a half)

Little Miss E has turned into a 6 month old! Where has the time gone?

Head circumference- 16.5" (38%)
Height- 26.5" (68%)
Weight- 15lbs 8oz (33%)

She can roll over, but won't because our floors are hardwood upstairs and concrete for most of downstairs. (Only two rooms have carpet. And "my room" has nasty old green carpet.) 

She chatters a lot. Mostly vowel sounds, but she does say some consonants. 

She sits up like champ, but can't get herself there yet. 

She has decided that no one is quite as good as mommy. (Mommy is less than thrilled with this when I'm trying to do things, but I love being loved so much.)

Not sleeping through the night, but we are working towards it. We are getting down to one feeding a night and then we'll go down to no feedings! (Mommy and daddy are more excited about this than she is!) 

She's getting more and more of a personality. And she gets downright sneaky! 

She got her first cold a couple weeks ago and was absolutely miserable for a while, but she fought it off and is perfectly happy and healthy now!

We are slowly introducing solids. Just little tastes here and there. 

We love her so very much! She's getting so smart and is still super cute! 

I think we'll keep her! 

Enjoying the sunset

"But Mom… it's so tasty!!"

"What is this contraption and why am I not being held?" (First time in her new high chair from ikea)

"I think this is how I'm supposed to use it?"

"I'm so wiggly!"

Chew toy. Not bottle. 

So happy! 

Sunday morning selfies! (20 minute drive to church, 20 minute sacrament meeting, then cancelled because of weather, and a 20 minute drive home.)

"Is that really the price?" Checking out furniture!

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